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CharacterGPT enables Text-To-Character creation and provides advantages such as provable ownership, data sovereignty, and decentralized interoperability.

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Alethea AI is proud to introduce CharacterGPT – The world's first Multimodal AI System that enables Text-to-Character creation. CharacterGPT is a revolutionary artificial intelligence system that allows users to quickly generate interactive characters with distinct appearances, voices, intelligence, personalities, and identities simply by providing a natural language description. After a character is tokenized, its owner can customize its personality, train its intelligence, trade its generative outputs, and use it across the other dApps on the AI Protocol. CharacterGPT can be used to create AI Characters for a wide variety of use cases, from digital twins to virtual assistants. Alethea AI is proud to partner with to enable democratized access to CharacterGPT. is a decentralized Application (dApp) built on the AI Protocol that leverages CharacterGPT, allowing the generation of a variety of interactive and emotionally expressive AI Characters. Alethea AI, CharacterGPT, and the AI Protocol provide various advantages, such as provable ownership, data sovereignty, and decentralized interoperability. The AI Protocol utilizes the Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ALI) Utility Token, which enables transactions within the AI Protocol, access to AI Systems like CharacterGPT, creation of iNFTs, governance of the AI Protocol, transactions between iNFTs, intelligence upgrades for iNFTs, and more. CharactersGPT, and the AI Protocol offer new possibilities to create and own interactive and emotionally expressive AI Characters and give users the opportunity to tokenize, curate, and manage data in a decentralized environment.

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