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Create a fast, delightful search experience for your users.

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#content creator #web developer #automating #fast

Collie is truly a game-changer. It fetches every asset on your website and creates a smooth, fast, and easy search function perfect for your users. The automated web scraping program it employs is genius, and the Mixpeek search index makes everything searchable quickly. Collie can search a variety of files, from videos to HTML and text, making it useful for various businesses. The free 1000 pages or files is an incredible offer, making it accessible for almost anyone. The private embedded file search for select users in beta is just the icing on the cake. All in all, Collie is a top-notch product that everyone should consider using.

Free/Free Trial: YES

Pricing model: subscription

Paid plans from: $50.00 / mo
#content #streamlining #comprehensive
Streamline LinkedIn content creation for professional growth.
#prompt #writing #effortless
Generate effective GPT prompts effortlessly, in 1 CLICK.
#content #streamlining #comprehensive
Streamline LinkedIn content creation for professional growth.
Explore diverse virtual realms with personalized digital companions.