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Find anything you're looking for in your digital history with ease!

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#student #remote worker #finding #powerful

Cyte is an incredibly powerful tool that lets you search your entire digital history with ease. With the ability to search all your applications and browser usage, you can quickly and easily find anything you're looking for. Cyte is self-hosted, private, and secure, and it even allows you to bring your OpenAI API key or use a local LLM for even more advanced results. With Cyte's configurability, you can exclude specific apps or websites that you don't want Cyte to record, making it truly customizable. Cyte is an open-source tool licensed under MIT, so you can even customize it to your specific needs and contribute to the project. With Cyte, you can understand where you spend your time, and with its search function, you can quickly find any text contained within any application. Overall, Cyte is a fantastic tool that will help you better manage your digital life.

Free/Free Trial: YES
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