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Create and deploy accurate computer vision with ease

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#engineer #designer #data scientist #vision #creating #customizable

Landing AI's computer vision platform, LandingLens, allows users to create and deploy a custom computer vision system in just a few minutes, without needing extensive programming or AI experience. With LandingLens, users can easily upload images, label objects, train models, and predict outcomes, resulting in highly accurate and reliable AI models. Additionally, the platform offers flexible deployment options, allowing for easy integration into existing environments, as well as unlimited scalability to meet the needs of any project, from single production lines to worldwide operations. Landing AI's solution can be applied to any industry, providing a collaborative approach to expanding and improving AI technology. With LandingLens, users can quickly and easily train their models and monitor their performance, ultimately resulting in improved results and increased accuracy.

Free/Free Trial: YES

Pricing model: subscription

Paid plans from: $33.00 / month
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