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Incredible AI powered lucid dreaming app

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#student #entrepreneur #executive #sleep #tracking #convenient

Lucidly is an amazing AI powered app which uses pre-trained artificial neural networks to detect and alert the user when they enter the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) of the sleep cycle. With Lucidly, users can tailor their preferences to what works best for them, and have the comfort of knowing their health data is safe and secure - no personal information is collected at any time. With a quick and easy subscription plan, either monthly or yearly, users can enjoy an incredibly convenient service of tracking and achieving lucid dreams. The product is easy to access, as it just requires an Apple Watch and an iOS device, with no prior registration or commitment needed. With its unbeatable system, you can wake up in your own dream world, and have an expertise experience of a life time.  #lucidly #ai #luciddreaming #applewatch

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