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Revolutionize healthcare documentation with an intelligent, accurate, and learning-based assistant.

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MediNav is the ultimate solution for healthcare professionals who want to save time. It is not just a medical transcript software, it is an artificial intelligence-powered assistant that remembers medical information and learns continuously. It is easy to use and intuitive with benefits such as less documentation time, lower costs, and faster delivery of results, which makes it an ideal choice for Radiology, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Anatomo-pathology, Hospitals, and Clinics. The technology behind the assistant is a state-of-the-art speech recognition system combined with natural language processing, which delivers 95% accurate results in only 1-2 months of regular use. The assistant is also sensitive to a variety of accents. MediNav uses a complex federated learning technique that delivers learnings from one clinic to another without compromising the confidentiality of the actual data, ensuring high security and control over the data.

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