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All-in-one text analytics for data-driven companies seeking effortless feedback analysis.

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MonkeyLearn is an all-in-one platform for cleaning, labeling, and visualizing text data with custom machine learning models. It empowers you to analyze your data and gain instant insights with greater granularity. Whether it's sentiment analysis or topic classification, MonkeyLearn offers a wide variety of pre-built classifiers and extractors ready to use. The dashboard allows you to create intuitive visualizations, custom charts, and filter data by multiple inputs. The best part is the business templates; you can select the one that works best for you, upload your data, and get actionable insights that will make you stand out from the competition. MonkeyLearn is an excellent tool for data-driven companies seeking effortless text analytics.

Free/Free Trial: YES

Pricing model: subscription

Paid plans from: $299.00 / month
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