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AI-based hiring platform with 2000+ job boards, AI screening and coding assessments.

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#employee #hiring #efficient

Velents AI is a hiring platform that will help you easily speed up your hiring. With AI screening, skills assessments, code tests and video interviews hire talents quickly and efficiently. Utilize Velents to attract quality candidates, post jobs on 2000+ job boards, customize assessments and increase quality, automate personality tests through AI and avoid biases and automate your technical hiring. Velents provides a powerful and easy-to-use platform for recruiters and engineers. The platform's AI screening feature helps to measure personality and decrease unconscious bias, using a scientifically-validated big 5 personality model to give an accurate picture of each candidate's skills. The platform's Sourcing Assistant allows you to source better candidates from different job boards. The provided coding assessments and pair programming interviews with code sync, ensures you are recruiting the best fit for the job as quickly as possible. Velents helps to save time and money, with a free plan that requires no credit card and helps to save up to 80% of your hiring time. Sign up free with Velents and never miss a top talent.

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