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Efficient conversational document search for businesses

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Corpora is an intelligent document search platform that enables you to chat with your documents and get human-like answers in return. It saves your time and effort by extracting key information from your documents and presenting it in a conversational format. Corpora's ability to conduct natural language searches, summarizing key points from documents specific to your question, and amalgamating all your data into one intelligent knowledge base warrant it be a staple tool in any business. Plus, the connectors provided by Corpora enables it to pull data from various sources such as Salesforce and Slack, providing businesses with all-encompassing and efficient search results. By harnessing the power of the latest AI language models, Corpora is a great tool for unlocking knowledge from your company's document store.

Free/Free Trial: YES

Pricing model: subscription

Paid plans from: $5.00 / month
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