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Revolutionize your restaurant with conversational AI and customer-focused technology.

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ConverseNow is the solution to the many problems facing the restaurant industry today. With its voice AI platform, non-digital restaurants can now operate in the digital age. Long drive-thru lines, missed calls, and hurried conversations each negatively affect customer experience, but ConverseNow helps shorten drive-thru lines, answer every phone call with the hospitality that guests are looking for, and handle limitless orders at once. That frees up staff to focus on more important tasks like food prep, ensuring faster service times, and greater guest satisfaction. Furthermore, ConverseNow's dynamic upsell can increase sales potential and average ticket value with ease. Partnering with leading QSR brands, ConverseNow is the only voice AI platform that works across all voice channels, including phone and drive-thru, integrating with most major POS systems, drive-thru base stations, phone systems, delivery services, and restaurant software and hardware providers. And with its simple plug-and-play setup, you can get set up and running right away.

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