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Effortlessly add Q&A and AI features to your app.

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#developer #powerful

Doctrine is an incredible tool that allows you to effortlessly add AI-powered Q&A to your app. Whether you want to leverage the knowledge in your data or knowledge base to answer user questions or embed AI features into your app, Doctrine has got you covered. With its simple but powerful API, Doctrine makes it easy to ingest knowledge from various sources such as databases, websites, documents, images, spreadsheets, and powerpoints. The ingested content is converted into text and vectorized into a high-dimensional vector space. You can then use Doctrine's ready-to-go Chat UI or API to ask questions and get accurate and relevant answers. Additionally, Doctrine offers features like partitioning for multi-tenant databases and scalable infrastructure to handle document processing, vector generation, storage, and user query requests. With flexible pricing plans, starting from as low as $29 per month, Doctrine is suitable for personal use, smaller projects, growing businesses, and even large organizations. Don't miss out on empowering your users with semantic question answering and generative AI. Get started with Doctrine today!

Free/Free Trial: NO

Pricing model: subscription
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